Approximately 26,000 babies are stillborn in the United States every year. Stillbirth is defined as the death of a baby before it is born of 20+ weeks gestation or 350 grams. Stillbirth is terrible. There is no other way to say it. It is such a horrible shock to think that all is well and […]
Oh, Deborah! This is a most amazing article that captures the heartache, the community responses that make it more difficult, and the all important beginning steps to teach mom’s to be advocates for their babies prior to birth. As you point out, time is of the essence. Some stillbirths might be prevented if mothers and health care providers worked more closely together to more seriously monitor the baby’s health and take immediate steps when concerns arise. The See Me, Feel Me materials are the BEST in the country. I am hopeful all our local clinics will choose to use these FREE materials and help us save more babies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart (another bereaved mother)….Sherokee Ilse, Author of Empty Arms: Coping with Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Early Infant Death
Thank you for your comments, Sherokee, and your wonderful books. I hope that by all of us talking about stillbirth, we can prevent tragedy. Be well, my friend.